November is the month when, by tradition, we pray for the peaceful repose of the souls of all the faithful departed.
This year, we remember especially those who have died during the pandemic. We also pray for those who have lost someone they loved, for those who were unable to say goodbye, and for those who are suffering the pain of grief. We pray for confidence in the loving mercy of God, for faith in the Resurrection to new life, and for the hope of being reunited in God’s kingdom.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered up every day in St Andrew's during November for the Holy Souls.
Remembering the souls of the faithful departed, and praying for them is a “holy and wholesome thought.”
There will be a Memorial Mass this November, but it will not be possible this year, unfortunately, for it to be a public Mass, as it has been in past years.With numbers being severely restricted in the church, I regret to say that we wouldn’t be able to have all families who have lost a loved one over the past year together for Mass.
This year’s Memorial Mass will therefore be live streamed on Sunday 22nd November at 2pm on
our YouTube channel on this link.
As a community, it is important for us to remember those who have gone before us in faith.
A memorial candle will be lit during the Mass for each loved one who has died over the course of the past year.
Eternal rest grant unto them. O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.