This Tuesday is the first anniversary of national lockdown - a National Day of Reflection.
There'll be a minute of silence at 12 noon. At 8pm, if you can, light a candle at your window or shine your phone and say a prayer in remembrance and support for all who have lost their lives over the past year. Pray, too, that all who are bereaved may be comforted.
Today's 'grain of wheat' gospel reminds us of a truth that any parent can testify to I'm sure - that it's dying to ourselves, it's making sacrifices, that we give life to others. We'll never really be of any real help or benefit to others if we are always so caught up, so wrapped up in ourselves.
It's the day in day out and often each day gospel-Christian challenge - die to selfishness daily so that we can rise to selflessness daily.
Fingers crossed and here's hoping we get the green light on Tuesday to open up this Saturday for Holy Week.
Have a good week.
Fr Mackle