All families should, by now, have received a letter from either St Nicholas’ or from the parish regarding First Holy Communion dates and arrangements.
It’s great that the children will soon celebrate receiving Jesus for the first time in the Eucharist.
Even with all the Scottish Government restrictions that are in place, all who are involved in organising these special liturgies for First Holy Communion are determined that the first communicants and their families will experience the joy of participating in the celebration of this very special moment on your child’s journey of faith.
The parish wants to be able to assist and support you as much as is possible with the preparations you are attending to for your child’s celebration of this wonderful Sacrament of the Eucharist, which is food for the journey, the real presence of Christ.
We’ll be sending out to you after Easter an instructional video.
All going well, our church will be reopening on 27th March.
I would like to invite you to see as part of these weeks leading up to your child’s celebration of First Holy Communion the importance of going to Mass, and I would ask you to make every effort to come along to either the Vigil or Sunday Mass.
One of the best ways to prepare your child is by the experience of being at Mass, the experience of liturgy, the experience of being in a setting of a worshipping, believing and praying community.
I hope you’ll be able to come along to Mass in the coming weeks.
Remember, if you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to register to book for Mass. You’ll find the registration form on the parish’s website. You just register once, but book for each Mass.
I look forward to seeing you.
If you have any questions, please do get in touch.
Stay safe! Pray safe!
With all good wishes
Joseph Mackle
Parish Priest