I hope my email finds you well and that these challenging times are proving bearable for yourself and your congregation. Following your kind support to Lepra in September last year, I am emailing you to see if you would vote for Lepra.
We have the opportunity to receive a £1000 donation from the Ecclesiastical Movement for Good awards, but to do so we need your help please!
As you know, £1,000 could make a huge difference to our work, especially now, and your nomination could be the one that wins us £1,000. In total, 500 charities stand to gain £1,000 and we’d love to be one of them.
It’s quick and easy to nominate Lepra - just visit https://www.movementforgood.com/#nominateACharity and enter our details. You’ll be asked to enter a charity number (213251), and then Lepra should auto populate below. Lepra’s charity type is Health. Then you just need to enter your name and email address. The closing date for nominations is 24th May.
The next step is just as important - please share with your congregation in your newsletter if possible ! The more nominations we get, the greater our chance of winning, so please spread the word.
With best wishes
Telephone Fundraiser Faith