We should think of this as an opportunity to come together again as a community of faith.
I prefer to think of “obligation” not as something imposed on us, but rather something I feel the need for. I hope that you will feel an interior obligation to give thanks to God for the blessings we receive, and take the opportunity to start coming along to the Vigil or Sunday Mass again to receive Christ, the bread of life, food for the journey, in holy communion.
"In accordance with the common teaching of the Church this obligation does not bind those in ill health or those otherwise impeded from attending Mass. Nor, in the context of Covid, does it bind those showing symptoms of the virus or with underlying health conditions, or those with responsibilities for people in need of special care."
Below and on this link is a Pastoral Letter from the Bishops regarding Christmas and the resumption of the Mass obligation.
With all good wishes,
Fr Mackle

BCOS Pastoral Letter November 2021 |