Re Coronavirus / Suspension of Public Masses
From: The Parishes of St Joseph and St Andrew
19th March 2020
Dear Parent,
You will have heard by now that Public Masses are suspended in the Archdiocese of Glasgow from after the 19th March for an indefinite period, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
This will mean that the Sacrament of Reconciliation for primary 3 pupils, and First Holy Communions for primary 4 pupils are postponed for the time being.
Confirmations are suspended for the time being.
It may be a while before this crisis abates and Masses resume, but once they do, we'll begin to look again at making arrangements for your child's celebration of the Sacraments.
Please note, St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s are open for some hours every day so that people can benefit from the presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and from private prayer and devotion.
Please also note that Mass from St Andrew's Cathedral is streamed daily on this link.
We would ask you to join in a National Day of Prayer this Sunday 22nd March, Mothering Sunday. It seems appropriate that as Catholics we pray together the Rosary, the prayer of our Blessed Mother Mary, at 12 noon, asking Her intercession for our country and our world in this time of need.
With every good wish,
Father Currie
Father Mackle