- 1 What if I can’t get to Confession
- 2 Can I go to Confession by telephone or using a video messaging app?
- 3 What if a relative gets sick and cannot receive the Sacrament of the Sick?
- 4 What about my Sunday Obligation?
- 5 Good Friday Fast & Abstinence
If however your health, or your inability to get to the shops, or your need to care for others, etc., makes it impossible or very difficult for you to fast or abstain from meat, you can choose some other form of penance instead.
- 6 What about my Easter duties?
- 7 Marriages
- 8 Baptisms
If the person to be baptised is in real danger of death, then anyone, even a non-baptised person (e.g. a nurse or doctor, if family members or chaplains cannot access the person), can baptise them (if asked by an adult or if asked by the parents of a child). In such a situation of danger of death, the person who baptises must pour water over the candidate’s head whilst saying at the same time, “I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. A note should be made of this and the parish priest informed. If the person in danger of death survives, the parish priest will celebrate the other parts of the Rite of Baptism once the current restrictions are lifted.
- 9 Funerals
After the current restrictions are lifted, parishes will offer public opportunities for prayer for all those buried or cremated during this time.
- 10 First Confessions
- 11 First Holy Communion
- 12 Confirmations