Hope you’re all doing okay and had a lovely peaceful Easter Sunday.
A bank holiday used to feel like a bank holiday - so did a weekend - every day seems the same in lockdown life.
Anyway, this is us in the octave of Easter - the greatest week of the church year. We celebrate the solemnity of Easter every day this week. If you don’t manage to catch Mass each day online this week, if you get a chance say the Gloria each day - (or you could do a Ned Flanders and sing it in your kitchen!!!) . The Gloria is part of the Mass each day this week.
If you get a moment, it’s worth getting a read through the short gospel for today’s Mass. In it the risen Christ greets the women who came away from the empty tomb. He tells them not to be afraid, and then says to them go and tell my brothers that they must leave for Galilee. He tells them that they will see him there.
Three little words to think of. “Go and tell” Important words in the gospel.
Christ chose his faithful women disciples to inform the apostles. Go and tell he told them. Go and tell has implications for faithful disciples of all ages.
Parents, grandparents, teachers and catechists - within family, in the classroom, in the parish they go and tell children, young people the good news of Jesus.
Bishops, priests, deacons and religious in their ministry and mission work go and tell the Good News of Jesus.
I’m thinking in these limiting circumstances in which we live how we find ways to Go and Tell.
Social media in these times is being used more than ever before, not least and especially at this time of Easter people using it to go and tell the good news.
My phone has never pinged as much in all it’s life. And that’s good. All the Easter messages and the wee videos of the Good News that many have been sharing - that’s Go and Tell
And the efforts that we’re making to Go and Tell loved ones, whose presence unfortunately we can’t be in, that they are loved and we miss them - maybe it’s over the phone, on FaceTime, Skype or sending texts and emails, or maybe it’s a drive by and a wave in.
Go and Tell.
Hope you have a peaceful and fruitful Easter Octave.
Take care
Fr Mackle