Today is the Feast of St Joseph the Worker. That's our Year of St Joseph banner up.
Coming soon our outdoor shrine.
Happy St Joseph's Day, again especially to all the Joes out there.
Feel free to sing along
Dear St Joseph, pure and gentle,
Guardian of the Saviour child,
Treading with the Virgin Mother,
Egypt’s deserts rough and wild
Dear St Joseph, spouse of Mary
Blest above all saints on high
When the death’s shades round us cover
Teach, oh teach us how to die
Teach, oh teach us how to die
He who rested on Thy bosom
Is by countless saints adored
Prostrate angels in His presence
Sing hosannah to the Lord
Dear St Joseph, spouse of Mary
Blest above all saints on high
When the death’s shades round us cover
Teach, oh teach us how to die
Teach, oh teach us how to die