If you have still to let St Andrew's know your child's preferred date for First Confession (Saturday 3rd or 10th Oct 10am – 11am), please email or call the parish asap.
Rehearsal for St Andrew's First Holy Communion - we're working on a video rehearsal which will be sent out to all families. As we would like to have all the Masses videoed, could you please make sure that your video consent form, which has been sent to you, is handed in. Please let us know, as well, if you would like to purchase a video.
These Masses can be live streamed, but would require the consent of all, and we will be writing to parents soon to seek this. Many thanks.
These First Holy Communion Masses at 2pm on 1st, 8th & 15th November, as I am sure you will appreciate, will be very different from what we are normally used to, but they will be no less special occasions of celebration for the boys and girls. We keep them all in our prayers.
Remember, face coverings will need to be worn for both First Confession and First Holy Communion.
With all good wishes
Fr Mackle