Kay Dick, who has been a parishioner of St Andrew’s for many years, and who has led the Padre Prayer Group for almost 40 years, takes up her new residence this week at St Joseph’s, Robroyston. She’ll be very much missed here in the parish.
On behalf of everyone in the parish, I want to take this opportunity to thank Kay for all her time and efforts over the years with her involvement in various parish ministries, not least with her commitment to the parish’s ministry of prayer.
Kay, week in week out, for almost four decades, has very faithfully led the Padre Prayer Group, which countless people from far and wide, over the years, have attended. Kay has also led many parish pilgrimages, and visited people in need countless times with the Padre Pio relic. Her devotion to St Pio and to prayer has been a wonderful inspiration to many.
We keep you in our prayers, Kay, and we pray that the days ahead at St Joseph’s will be filled with many blessings.
Keep your kettle handy for a cuppa, Kay, as we’ll pop in to see you soon
Take care and God bless
Fr Mackle
A huge thanks to them and our deep appreciation for the ways in which they have been so involved in the life and the mission of St Andrew’s for many years.
We wish them every happiness in their new abode in the West End.