Hope all’s well.
Today’s Easter gospel - the risen Jesus is standing on the beach and the disciples are in their boat after a whole night’s fishing having caught nothing. Again, there is the not recognising in the story, similar to the feature in the previous Easter stories.
The disciples don’t recognise that it is Jesus standing on the beach.
A short conversation takes place.
Jesus invites the disciples to cast their net to the right side of the boat. They do that and through the miraculous catch of fish the risen Christ is recognised. Their trusting - their doing what they were being asked to do - their having faith in the one who is giving the instruction brings them to seeing - brings them to recognising Christ in their midst.
Jesus then has breakfast with them, showing that even although they had abandoned him at the time of his passion, his friendship toward them is something which is unbroken. He will never abandon them. He will never abandon us.
Even if we have failed in our relationship - even if we failed in our friendship with Jesus, he invites us to begin again, to start afresh. He never ever breaks his friendship with us.
Just as Jesus stood on the beach calling on the disciples, so too does he stand on the shore of our lives day in and day calling us always to follow - calling us always and looking for us to recognise him - calling us always to enter more deeply into our relationship with him, especially in and through prayer.
All the very best for these final days of the Easter Octave.
Hope you manage to get to enjoy some of today’s sunshine.
Take care
Fr Mackle