Hope all’s well.
Last night’s Messengers meeting, thankfully, was very well supported, and our ‘Welcome Back’ leaflet will be getting delivered to almost 1300 households in our parish over the course of the next couple of days.
I am very grateful to our Messengers for all their help with ensuring that all in the parish are informed and fully updated with all that is happening before the Masses start back.
Over the past couple of months, much planning has gone into the preparations for our reopening for public Mass this weekend, and I am very grateful to all who have been involved and for all their efforts.
We would not be able to be returning to our usual schedule of weekend and weekday Masses without the help of all the volunteers. It is deeply appreciated the terrific response we have had to our appeal for volunteers. Always looking for more, though, so if you would like to help out, drop me an email or give me a call, please.
I am looking forward to our public Masses resuming, and really looking forward, too, to our 10am Mass each day being live streamed. You’ll be able to tune in through our website.
‘Something greater than the temple’ . This is what Jesus calls himself. See gospel for today’s Mass - week 15, year 2.
That would have very much surprised his disciples when they heard him say this.
They could not imagine anything greater than their magnificent Temple built by Herod in Jerusalem, considered to be one of the wonders of the world.
The Temple was the focal point of God’s presence to his people.
Jesus is greater than the Temple, because he is the new focus of God’s presence.
God, the living God was present no longer in a building, but through a person, his Son, Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us.
Recent periods of private prayer in the church has given people the opportunity to adore Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament.
Many this weekend will get the opportunity, once again, to receive Jesus truly present in the Eucharist.
Hope you have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle