Hope all continues to be well in lockdown life.
The lovely mosaic we have up beside the organ is a terrific visual aid, especially when there’s a class along from the school.
Our church, thankfully, is good for that, with all the various mosaics - good visual aids.
The mosaic is today’s gospel. Andrew presenting to Jesus the child who has five barley loaves and two fish. The child was willing to hand over to Jesus the little he had.
Jesus takes the little that was offered to him, gave thanks, and the large crown were then fed. There was plenty for everyone.
One of the things the story speaks to us of is human cooperation coupled with divine assistance.
God works with and through what we have to offer. And that’s trust.
What we have to offer might not be much, and it might be material resources, it might be our time, it might be giving a helping hand or a listening ear.
God works in and through what we have to offer, he works in and through our own human cooperation.
By the way, if you haven’t seen it yet, there’s an online message from Archbishop Tartaglia to pupils preparing to receive the sacraments.
Hope you have a lovely day
Take care
Fr Mackle