To ensure privacy, it would be very much appreciated if, on Saturdays between 4pm and 5pm, no-one called at the chapel house and foodbank donations are not dropped off there during that hour. Many thanks.
You know the house porch is open until late for food bank donations. Please see our social media for a list of particular items which the Foodbank this week has said it desperately needs.
Easter Sunday is early this year, on April 4.
Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent is just two weeks away on February 17.
Youth Ministry Team, Catechists, and Planning Ahead Group have zoom meetings this week and next to see what we might be able to do journeying through what's looking like might be a whole lockdown Lent.
Letters have now been posted out to all P3 &P4 families re First Confession & First Holy Communion. The celebration of these Sacraments, as well as the Sacrament of Confirmation for P7 & S1, I'm sure you'll appreciate, will very much depend on a loosening of current restrictions.
Have a good weekend