Hope all's well.
It's easy to understand why the gospel for today's Mass is often chosen for funerals. It's the 'There are many rooms in my Father's house' gospel.
It's Christ telling his disciples that even although he is leaving them, he will return to take them with him, to take us with him into the Father's house, the eternal home of heaven.
Christ just didn't point the way to heaven and leave us to get on with it - he is the way.
If I could maybe make a comparison with going shopping. You've been standing patiently in the lockdown queue which has snaked round the car park, and you go into the store, and you’re desperately trying not to invade your fellow shoppers’ 2 by 2 metres space, and you're struggling to find the item you're looking for. So you ask the assistant. He or she not only tells you it's in aisle 22, but they walk you there. They don't just point out the way and leave you on your own. They take you to the item you’re looking for. Guessed yet which supermarket I shop in?
Jesus is the way. He is with us as the way to the Father in heaven.
His whole purpose is to bring us to God in heaven, to shepherd us to eternal life, to the enduring joys of heaven.
Again, who made me? God made me. Why did God make me? To know him, to love him, to serve him, so that I can be happy with him forever in heaven.
I'll share with you tomorrow a wee funny I heard when standing waiting in one of those lockdown snake queues.
Brother sun better not hide behind those clouds all day.
Hope you have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle