A few words from Fr Mackle.....
Good Friday has always been for many of us, year after year, attending the 3pm Liturgy. Unfortunately not this year. Archbishop Tartaglia will be celebrant at the live streamed 3pm liturgy from the Cathedral today on this link. Hopefully you’ll get a chance to join him.
At past Good Friday liturgies, we’ve been part of a procession of people who venerate the cross. Processing, moving forward to the cross in silence usually. Each of us with our own thoughts. Each of us with our own cross. Processing forward- no words needed. Each person in the procession making a profound statement of their love for Jesus in their own unique way.
Some kiss, some bow, some bless themselves, some kneel, some genuflect.
Please God, next year we’ll be able to process together and venerate the cross.
This year at home, in whatever way best suits you, venerate Christ on the cross.
Maybe it’s using the crucifix on the end of your rosary, or the one on your wall, or an online image of Christ.
The image of the crucified Christ draws us to prayer more than any other image.
I wish you a blessed and peaceful Good Friday.
We adore you O Christ and we praise you.
Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world
Shared prayer from a parishioner:
We have everything in Christ. Everything is Christ for us.
If you want to heal your wounds, He is a doctor.
If you are burning with fever, He is a fountain.
If you are oppressed by iniquity, He is justice.
If you need help, He is vigorous. If you fear death, He is life.
If you want heaven, He is the way.
If you escape from the darkness, He is the light.
If you are looking for food, He is the food.
Sant'Ambrogio (De Virginitate 16.99)
Take care
Fr Mackle