Happy New Year!
We stand on the threshold of a new year.
There's the looking forward. There's the looking back too.
We look forward and can't help but wonder what 2021 will bring, and, of course, the memories of the past turbulent and challenging year are still fresh.
And while 2020 was desperately difficult for many in many ways, let's not forget to have some or maybe even a good bit of gratitude for it.
Because of the lessons it taught us.
We have learned a lot.
We have learned patience.
We have learned empathy.
We have learned that we don't really need so much.
We have learned how to survive challenges.
We have learned how to adapt.
We have learned the importance of making sacrifices.
2020 has taught us a lot of things. 2020 has been many things, not least a teacher.
At the start of this new year when we're maybe thinking about making resolutions, think about one resolution being time for prayer each day.
If you don't already have one, find a prayer place and prayer time each day in this new year.
With a daily place and time, God will be able to find you and you will be able to find him.
Remember that saying that was on posters in church halls and noticeboards years ago ~ "7 days without prayer makes one weak!"
Prayer is so vital, and it helps us to face what needs to be faced, especially as we move in to a new year.
Wishing you all a very joyful, happy and healthy New Year despite these difficult times, and here's hoping we get out this tier 4 soon.
Father Mackle