Hope all's well.
I am looking forward to our church doors reopenIng, and that hopefully, possibly could be this coming Sunday. The reopening is subject of course to this Thursday’s Scottish Government’s review.
I am very grateful to those who have offered so far to assist as volunteers for when we do reopen, but we do still need many more people to help.
If you are in a position to assist, drop me an email, please, today [email protected]
Today would have been our annual Mass for the sick and housebound.
If was a great day last year, and we’re always grateful especially to the carers and the staff in all the nursing homes for the efforts they make in bringing everyone together for the Mass and for the reception in the hall afterwards.
There's probably no other group so constantly mentioned in the gospels as the sick. On many occasions, Jesus met with them, touched them, was moved to compassion and ultimately helped them.
Sometimes it was the sick who just wished to touch his garments because they knew that in any encounter with Jesus, healing power would come from him and their lives would be changed.
Christ has a special love for the sick.
Care for the sick, which was such a mark of Christ's ministry, is now the ministry of the Church.
May all who are sick feel the comfort of Christ's healing and gentle care.
Hopefully it won’t be too much longer now before the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick can be administered again.
May Christ lay his healing hand on each of us today.
Remember tonight's 9@9 novena to the Sacred Heart
Remember, too, if you have any pics from parish pilgrimages, send them in for our video collage.
Cracking afternoon yesterday. Got some gardening done at home.
Hopefully it’ll brighten up today.
Hope you have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle