I hope this finds you safe and well.
I refer to the Scottish Government's announcement that parts of Scotland, including East Dunbartonshire will be entering COVID Restriction Level 4 from 6 pm on Friday 20 November. For Mass at St Andrews (as well as all other places of worship) this means the number of people at a Mass in the church is now limited to a maximum of 20 people.
Our two halls will, however, enable us to seat an additional 40 people at each Vigil and Sunday Mass. Please note, the halls will not be used for weekday Masses.
In these unfortunate circumstances with severely restricted numbers, and for the duration of Level 4 lockdown, I want to remind you that there is no obligation at present to attend Sunday Mass.
I would therefore encourage you, for the next three weekends, to stay in and stay safe. The government wants to encourage as many people as possible to stay at home. It is not a necessity to attend Mass.
During these weeks, attend on your device at home, our Sunday and weekday 10am live streamed Mass (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZPDUavaAGd6yOZ4xer2oSA), and make a spiritual communion. Please, stay in and stay safe.
While we are in Level 4, for those who aren't able to attend a live streamed Mass, there will still be public Masses - Saturday Vigil 5pm; Sundays 10am & 12noon and if you are not registered to book, please go to www.standrewsbearsden.co.uk to register for the booking process.
Mass for up to a maximum of 20 is 10am daily with no need to book. Again, I would say to all our weekday Mass attendees, please, until 11th December, stay at home and stay safe.
Please, keep your eye on our social media and parish bulletin to keep yourself fully updated.
Stay in during these weeks and stay safe.
Fr Mackle