The instructions with regard to funerals have already been implemented in the archdiocese. Parishes will be guided by undertakers with regard to the numbers allowed to attend the Crematorium or Cemetery.
All the previous advice issued by the Archdiocese last week with regard to visits to the sick and housebound in our parishes, etc. is compliant with these new instructions and will continue to be followed.
Monsignor, Deacon Tommy and I are operating telephone ministry, especially to the sick and the housebound in the parish. If you, or someone you know, would like to talk, or to pray give me a call 0141 942 4635. Praying down the line not that normal, but we know these aren’t normal times.
Email too, [email protected].
Keep in mind that daily Mass is live streamed from the Cathedral.
The Archbishop is going to be writing to all parishes later today. I'll keep you posted. Monsignor and I continue to offer Mass each day separately on our own and we keep you all in our prayers. I hope that you and those around you keep well.
Take care.
Fr Mackle