Hope all’s well.
Teachers are returning to school today after a long time at working at home, and I know this will be challenging. Thoughts and prayers are with them and with the pupils who start back this week.
Great that we can begin to get First Confessions & First Communions arranged. We hope to have more details about these soon. Still no information yet about Confirmations.
There has been a steady increase each week in bookings for weekend Masses, which has been good to see. Our upper hall overflow area with the big screen needed to be used at all the Masses this weekend, and it’s great having our 10am daily Mass live streamed.
I am very grateful to all who have volunteered to be part of a media ministry team to operate live streaming, and training for this ministry will begin this week.
Without the good work of all the volunteers, we would not be able to have a full schedule of Masses. Sincere thanks to them all. For weekday Masses, there is no booking required. Just turn up.
As our private prayer time on Wednesdays 2pm - 3pm has had so few folk over the past weeks, we may need to review this.
A couple of notices to bring to your attention.
Solemnity of the Assumption: Although this coming Saturday, 15th August would normally be the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady, the Bishops of Scotland last year altered the rules for Feasts and Holy Days of Obligation. Because of this, the 15th is an ordinary day and the Assumption is celebrated this year on the 16th at all our Sunday Masses.
Confessions : Many of you have been asking about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The current rules, unfortunately, prevent us from using the Confessional. We are looking, though, at making arrangements for Confessions in the main church, especially for Primary 3’s First Confessions. In the meantime, if you require the Sacrament, please phone or email in advance and arrange a suitable time for this to take place.
Elvis’ anniversary this Sunday.
If you have a favourite gospel song of his that would be good and spiritually uplifting for us in these times, send it in and we’ll be happy to post it on our social media.
Take care, and have a good week
Fr Mackle