The first meeting for women affected by separation or divorce took place on Friday, 2nd July at St Patrick's Church Hall, Dumbarton and will continue to meet on the first Friday of each month, with the next meeting taking place on 7th August at 6pm.
At the initial meeting, women from across the Archdiocese of Glasgow and other Diocese spoke of their experiences, how they feel about their faith and also what they'd like the group to focus on moving forward. Two strands of focus for the group have emerged: one is to help each other’s journeys of healing and the other is to highlight how they feel about some of the teachings which compound, marginalise and prevent women from actively participating in church life. Both will be taken forward sensitively.
This ministry is absolutely essential, and the group looks forward to being a supportive place and nurturing environment for women, which will continue to be guided by Canon Conroy in his capacity as Spiritual Director for New Evangelisation for the Archdiocese of Glasgow.
Women of catholic faith across Scotland are living with unresolved trauma, shame and fear of judgement due to the experiences of their married lives, often clinging to their faith to get them through each day. There is no provision of support network for this particular group within the church and this peer-led approach by women who have walked this journey, and are still on this journey, will provide a psychological and physically safe, confidential and nurturing space for them to recover with dignity and understanding.
God bless you all!