Hope all’s well.
Once again, wonderful news that Sunday Masses will start back next weekend 18th / 19th July, with 5pm Vigil, 10am & 12 noon.
If you are going to be free to come along to Mass, remember you’ll need to book a seat using the booking system, which you’ll find on here on this link.
Remember, too, that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation continues to be suspended. In these circumstances, it’s still okay not to go to Mass.
He’s the patron saint of Europe. He made a huge contribution to its formation. He’s Saint Benedict and it’s his feast day today.
He had a huge influence in establishing Christianity on this continent.
Often we hear of the need for our society to be re-Christianised. The need for and task of re-evangelisation.
Today, we ask for the help of St Benedict’s prayers for this task.
Pope John Paul II spoke of ‘a new missionary age, which will become a radiant day bearing an abundant harvest, if all Christians, missionaries and young Churches in particular, respond with generosity and holiness to the calls and challenges of our times’
That’s the task of us all. Again, it’s good to say often, ‘I am baptised’. I am baptised for this task to be a missionary among those with whom I live and work. I am a missionary. You are and I am called to play our parts in this new missionary age, in this new digital missionary age.
St Benedict, pray for us.
We look forward to Monsignor’s gospel reflection tomorrow.
Remember, the church is open for private prayer tomorrow from 10am until 12 noon.
Hope you have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle