Hope all’s well
June is some month for big feasts. Today’s is another - the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the day after the feast of theSacred Heart. There are another two on the horizon - the birth of John the Baptist, and Saints Peter and Paul.
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary goes back to the 12th century.
In today’s gospel, the mystery of the finding of the child Jesus in the temple, we’re told that ‘Mary stored up all these things in her heart’.
Elsewhere in Luke’s gospel, the first time when we’re told that Mary ‘kept all these things, pondering them in her heart’ was after the shepherds came to worship Jesus in the stable.
Mary shows us how to listen. She shows us how to listen to the words the Holy Spirit speaks to us in the depths of our hearts, and how to respond in faith.
I came across something the other day there called, ‘Exercises to feel and touch God through the senses’ which I’ll share with you Monday to Friday next week - a different sense each day.
Remember, our church will reopen this Wednesday 12noon - 3pm, if you wish to pop in for a quiet prayer, and then the following Sunday 10am until 12noon
Those who visit, as per the Bishops' guidelines, are asked not to stay for too long (perhaps 15 minutes), at least initially, both to ensure that as many people as possible can use the limited space available and because longer exposure increases the virus risk.
Funeral Masses may now take place again in the church with a minimal attendance of the closest family and friends up to a maximum of 20 persons.
Have a safe and happy Saturday
Take care
Fr Mackle