Hope all’s well.
We clap every Thursday at 8pm to show our admiration and appreciation for key workers, NHS staff and carers.
It’s a sign of gratitude for all that they are doing tackling coronavirus, and looking after and caring for those most in need at this time.
Clapping hands has always been a way of showing appreciation, of saying thanks.
‘Clap your hands, cry to God with shouts of joy’ Today’s psalm.
Clap your hands for the one true God.
Clap your hands in appreciation for your many blessings from God.
Clap your hands in thanks for the gift of another day.
Clap your hands for the promise God has given, ‘I am with you always’
Clap your hands, cry to God with shouts of joy.
Remember, 9@9 call to prayer to the Holy Spirit.
Tremendous feeling of beginning our walk into the 'new norm' - starting at the right place, in the Power of the Holy Spirit...
Looking forward to Deacon Tommy’s audio tomorrow
Have a safe and happy Saturday.
Take care
Fr Mackle