I hope this finds you safe and well.
Online Mass
Hopefully, you'll be free to join Monsignor, Deacon Tommy and I for tomorrow's 10am online Mass. We'll be giving a special welcome to all the families who had a celebration of baptism in 2020. And we'll be remembering Jim Hanlon, whose first anniversary it will be. Thoughts and prayers with Caroline and her family. Thoughts and prayers, too, with Betty Cunning's family. Betty sadly died this week, and her funeral will be on Thursday 28th January. May God give Betty and Jim rest and peace in the kingdom of light.
Let's pray hard for a brighter future.
It's very strange celebrating again Mass in an empty church. I appreciate that it also must be hard for you again not being free to go to church. Thoughts and prayers with you all at this time, and here's hoping and praying that these vaccines and tighter restrictions will do the job and get us all free soon. I long for the day when our church (and our halls for coffee mornings and events) will be teaming again with people.
A huge thanks
This Sunday is the last day of the Christmas Season. A huge thanks to all who worked so hard in so many ways both online and in church helping us to journey through and celebrate the seasons of Advent and Christmas. In 2020, these were very different seasons for all of us, and I'm really grateful to all who were so creative and imaginative in various ways helping us to adapt to the situation and making these seasons meaningful and celebratory.
Trees & Cribs
All the Christmas trees will come down this weekend, but, remember, the cribs will remain up for 40 days until 2nd Feb. Good if you have decided to keep your crib up for the 40 days until Candlemas.
Ash Wednesday and Lent
You just get one season over and there's another one hard on your heals. Lent is on the horizon. Really early this year. Ash Wednesday is 17th February. Thinking caps on, folks, for any ideas for celebrating lent online and in church.
First Confessions ~ Sacrament of Reconciliation
The current lockdown, unfortunately, may affect Primary 3's First Confessions, which are due to be celebrated on Saturdays 20th & 27th March 10am – 11am. Both the school and the parish will keep parents fully advised.
First Holy Communion
Primary 4 pupils are due to celebrate their First Communion on Saturday 8th, Sunday 9th, Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th May. All Masses at 2pm. Hopefully, these tighter restrictions won't affect these dates. We're not sure, though, at this stage. It is uncertain, as well, at this stage, to know what the maximum capacity at each First Communion Mass will be. Again, the school and the parish will keep parents fully advised.
As soon as we go back down and in to tier 3 with the allowance of 50 at each Mass, we'll begin to make arrangements for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for the P7 & S1 pupils.
Without all our volunteers being generous with their time, our church could not have reopened after lockdown #1. A huge thanks to you all for their commitment to volunteering over these past months, and we look forward to reopening our doors again, once we get the green light from the Scottish Government. A huge thanks, too, to all who contribute to and volunteer to ensure much needed support continues to be given regularly to Drumchapel Foodbank, St Gregory's Foodbank, 3D Drumchapel and the Wayside Club.
During lockdown
Keep in mind that during lockdown we have 10am Mass live streamed on our YouTube channel Monday to Friday and on Sundays. St Andrew's YouTube Channel
During lockdown, Confessions, too, are on and heard outdoors on Saturdays at the front door of the chapel house 4.15pm to 4.45pm, and on request.
Have a safe and happy Saturday