Just a reminder that the church is open today 10am until 12 noon. This will be the final Sunday for private prayer, with public Masses resuming next weekend.
If you’re free to call in for a short visit today, please, remember, bring your face covering.
There will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
It’s always good when we get the opportunity to come before Christ who is always there in the Blessed Sacrament.
‘If anyone loves the Lord and seeks him, they can always find him in the Blessed Sacrament’.
St Alphonsus Liguori.
Jesus is there to listen to everyone who wishes to speak to him.
He is there waiting for a heart speaking to heart.
Who doesn’t need that wee bit of knee time from time to time? It can be one of the best de-stressers out, and it’s free.
If you are not free to pop in for a visit, there is live online Perpetual Adoration from Tyburn Convent. Just to sit in prayerful silence for even just five minutes is lovely and peaceful and calming.
So, public Masses start back next weekend. Great news. Sixteen weeks has been a really long time without public Mass. Remember, though, you need to register for the booking process. All part of the new normal. Those who have registered for next weekend will receive word today regarding choosing a Mass time.
Grateful to Monsignor for today’s video gospel reflection, which is on this link.
Plus, look out for our live streaming Masses which will be starting very soon.
Have a safe and happy Sunday.
Take care
Fr Mackle