Hope all's well.
God wants, what does he want, God wants our friendship.
We are to be friends of God.
Once we enter into friendship with God, everything in life changes.
'I call you friends', Jesus says in today's gospel.
Jesus' ultimate act of friendship was the giving of his life, the sacrificing of his life for us.
He gave us his all.
What a friend we have in Jesus, as the hymn says.
What he is looking for from us is for us to give our all in loving and serving one another and loving and serving God.
Today's another gift of a day for us to enter more deeply through love and service and prayer into our friendship with God.
If you haven't already seen this, it's worth checking out this link regarding the Church's plans as how best to meet the long-term pastoral needs of the Catholic community during the pandemic. https://www.bcos.org.uk/News/tabid/113/Default.aspx
Hope you have a lovely day
Take care
Fr Mackle