Looking as if we’re going to have to be carrying on as we are for another three weeks.
Hope all’s well.
So day five of the octave. In the Easter gospel for today, the disciples are filled with fear and Jesus presents himself to them. He stands among them and says, “Peace be with you!” He then instructs them, and assigns them to be witnesses to the resurrection.
What Jesus said most often to those he appeared to after his resurrection was “Peace be with you”.
If we really trust in Jesus then he will give us what we most need. He will give us all the peace we need - peace of mind - peace for our hearts - peace for our souls.
Christ wants to give us his peace. It is a peace which the world cannot give. It is a peace which only God can give.
Again, what we’re always to keep in mind is that each of us has a personal relationship with Christ. A personal relationship which we can’t just take for granted. We have to work at it, and sometimes work hard at it - especially through and in prayer.
What Jesus is saying to us in our personal relationship with him is “Trust me”
Place your trust in me is what Christ invites us to do.
We are to unite our lives with his - we are to unite our prayers with his. Spiritual writers often tell us to unite our sufferings to Christ’s.
If we make every effort to do that in our relationship with Christ then we will be able to accept the peace that he offers - a peace the world cannot give.
Peace be with you.
All the best for the remaining Easter Octave days - eight days celebrating the great joy of Easter
Take care
Fr Mackle