I find it’s always good to have a few short lines of scripture committed to memory to call upon.
For example, ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want’, or ‘When you go through deep waters, I’ll be with you’ or ‘I have carved you in the palm of my hand’
One line that we should really have fixed in our memory is ‘I will give you rest’. Today’s gospel.
By his closeness to us, Christ makes our yoke easy and our burden light.
Jesus know how life can be weary and burdensome, and at times a struggle, and he makes no false easy promises about it.
The yoke will remain on our shoulders, and the burden may still have to be carried, but somehow with Christ, with faith, they become easier to bear.
Christ is for us ‘gentle and humble of heart’.
God is with us always. He is never far away. He is always by our side.
It’s a joyful road following Jesus, and we should let the world know that and see that. It is a joyful road even with the cross having to be carried.
Here’s another lockdown spiritual reading quote I noted and just to share with you. It’s from St Francis de Sales’ writings.
‘Bees live and feed on bitter food when making their honey; in the same way, we can never practice gentleness and patience or produce honey from such excellent virtues more surely than when eating the bread of bitterness and living in the midst of afflictions’
We had a good meeting last night for all passkeepers, stewards and our Planning & Reopening Team as part of our preparing to reopen our doors this weekend for public Masses.
Meeting this evening for Messengers for the distribution of the ‘Welcome Back’ leaflet which will be delivered to our 1300 households in the parish.
Hope you have a good day.
Take care
Fr Mackle