Hope all's well.
Back to the Acts of the Apostles today for a short reflection.
It's a short first reading and in it we hear of the scene of Peter and the Apostles very courageously telling the Good News that they had discovered.
Keep in mind that the scene is after Pentecost and it’s quite a contrast with the Gethsemane scene. Then they were afraid and they fled.
What a change in them now that the Holy Spirit has brought about in them. Now they are very bravely and courageously witnessing to the Good News.
Obedience to God and the Spirit of God give them a strength and courage.
We hear Peter saying that he and the Apostles are 'witnesses to all this - we and the Holy Spirit’ - all this is the Good News of the resurrection.
We, too, are called to be witnesses to all this among those with whom we live and work.
It's our work, our vocation, our job as Christians.
We are called to be witnesses to all this day in and day out.
Today’s another day for us to witness, albeit in lockdown, in whatever way we can, and it’s often in the little ways to be Christ like.
I love this quote of Pope Paul VI -
'Modern man, woman listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he / she does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses'
I hope you have a lovely day
Take care
Fr Mackle