Hope all’s well.
Lovely the church being reopened yesterday and many taking the opportunity to pop in for a quiet prayer. It will be open again this Sunday from 10am until 12 noon, and the following Wednesday 12 noon until 3pm.
So, day #4 of the 5 senses journey of little exercises to feel and touch God, in some way, through the senses.
Today’s focus - To Taste
Three lines from sacred scripture this time.
Psalm 34:8 ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good’.
Psalm 81:16 ‘I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you’.
John 2:9 ‘The steward tasted the water into wine’
Take something to eat or drink. Taste it slowly and chew it well. Consume it with relish. ‘See and taste the goodness of God...’
In what way do you relish the goodness of God in your life?
Remember, again, St Augustine’s words, ‘Why climb the mountains or go into the valleys of the world for Him who dwells within us?’
If you are popping in for a visit on Sunday, remember and bring your face covering.
Tomorrow’s sense to reflect on Smell / Breathe
Hope you have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle