Hope all’s well.
Whenever someone says to you, ‘say a prayer for me’ or ‘keep me in your prayers’, really they are saying ‘I need your faith’
It might be that they find it difficult to pray, so they ask for help in asking others to pray for them.
Our prayers can help others to be carried along.
Place yourself as an onlooker in today’s gospel - 13th week ordinary time Thursday. Google Universalis, if a missal isn’t handy.
You see a paralysed man stretched out on a bed being carried to Jesus by some people. You hear Jesus saying the man’s sins are forgiven. You see the man miraculously being able to walk. You see and hear the crowd’s amazement. You hear them praising God.
Think of those who have carried you.
Parents’ faith carried us to the baptismal font and beyond.
We needed their faith at the start of life, and we still need the faith of others to carry us from time to time, not least by their prayers.
All went well yesterday, thankfully, with our church being open for private prayer. It will be open again on Sunday from 10am until 12 noon
Hope you have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle