Hope all’s well.
In the Jewish Tradition there are 613 commandments. They include many issues including instruction about food, punishment and how God should be worshipped.
So, we have this Scribe (see today’s gospel). He is a learned Jew who wants to know which, out of all the commandments, this huge number of them, is the first.
The answer Christ gives makes two loves inseparable - love of God and love of neighbour as ourselves.
As the song goes, ‘you can’t have one without the other’.
And true love of God and true love of our neighbour involve a dying to self, a dying to selfishness, a selflessness, which demands effort and sacrifice.
Such dying to self, such selflessness leads to life.
We can't have love of God without love of neighbour and vice versa.
Some news - the Bishops have finalised their proposed infection control standards which will govern the reopening of parishes and have sent their guidelines to the Scottish Government.
It is hoped that infection control and liturgical guidelines will be issued soon to all parishes.
The bishops have said that the guidelines will highlight the fact that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains dispensed until further notice and everyone is asked to consider carefully whether or not they should return in the early phases.
They are also mindful of their duty of care to elderly clergy and lay people, which together with social distancing reductions in capacity will mean that the availability of Mass may reduce in some areas.
Our parish has a working group which is looking at what needs to be done for the reopening of our church and the safe celebration of liturgies.
Hope you have a good day.
Take care
Fr Mackle