Hope all's well.
It's said that there's something unusual about family mealtimes in lockdown life.
Families are eating earlier, and guess what, we are, more than usual, getting wired in to tasty desserts.
It's not surprising too that family food orders for lunchtime are up given the amount of people home working and home schooling.
And in lockdown life, families are making the most of mealtimes to come together.
It's amazing what you can learn from a Just Eat study.
So that’s another silver lining - families coming together more to eat.
We see it a lot in the scriptures.
It was one of the things that Jesus loved to do was sit down and eat with others.
It was a great Jewish tradition, sitting down to eat together. It was a sign of friendship and hospitality.
Today's gospel - in it Jesus says, 'Someone who shares my table rebels against me'
I think it goes without saying that it can be very difficult for someone to eat at table with someone they haven't been true to.
Really what the gospel is reminding us of is that we must always make every effort to be true to one another and to Jesus before we join him at table worthily.
If you get any photos or videos this evening for 'Clap for Carers' that you'd like to share, send them in.
Oh, and if you’re having a big tasty dessert today....do enjoy.
I think it’s going to be another scorcher, folks.
Have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle