Hope all’s well.
It’s not too difficult to be nice to somebody if they’re nice to you. That’s a natural thing. There’s nothing too uncomfortable about doing that.
The gospel challenge, Christ’s challenge, and he’s always challenging us for our own good and for the world’s, is to be nice, to be loving, to show signs of goodwill outside of our comfort zone circle.
To those who get right on your nerves - be loving he’s saying. To those who get under your skin - be loving.
The gospel is there to guide us, shape us, form us and stretch us at times. Today’s gospel ‘love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’ certainly stretches our kindness and generosity to the limits. No bad thing at times. We’re the better for it when we allow ourselves to be stretched.
Remember, the 9@9 novena tonight to the Sacred Heart tonight.
Hope you have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle