Hope all’s well.
How people can react differently and it’s the same thing they’ve all seen.
When the man in the gospel, who had been unable to speak, miraculously speaks after being brought to Jesus, there are different reactions to this wonderful act.
Ordinary folk who saw it admired Jesus’ miracles and said, ‘Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel’
The Pharisees saw the exact same thing and said, ‘It is through the prince of devils that he casts our devils’
One group saw God at work, and the other saw Satan at work.
A gospel question - ‘To what extent do I sense the presence of God around me, especially in the good other people are doing?
We need always to be seeing how God is at work, how he is at work in our own lives and in the lives of others. To see really as the ordinary people in the gospel saw is what is called for.
It’s that positive way of seeing things that we always need to adopt. To do so is to be Christ like, is to be Christian, is to see the world, others and self with Christian eyes.
Remember, the church will be open tomorrow from 12 noon until 3pm for private prayer, if you’re free to call in for a visit.
Hope you have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle