First Holy Communion, the dates of which are all arranged during the month of May, will, of course, be subject to us being in a tier which permits us to have 50 people in the church for Mass.
In the case of First Reconciliation, unfortunately, we had to cancel the scheduled March dates due to the current lockdown.
We have, however, a meeting next week with Mrs Grogan to look at options for the Primary 3 children making their first confession hopefully before the end of March. The school and the parish will keep P3 families fully advised of plans. For all families whose P3 children are at schools other than St Nicholas', the parish will keep you fully informed of arrangements.
The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for P7 and S1 pupils will also be subject to which tier we will be in. We will be setting dates for Confirmation very soon.
If anyone has any questions at all about any of the sacraments, please don't hesitate to get in touch.