Just a reminder ~ Primary Seven Confirmation Parents Meeting tomorrow 7pm in the church.
With the recent very much welcomed further easing of restrictions, it would be good to have more and more people coming back to Mass. For your reassurance, we have two dedicated areas for social distancing in the church, which is well ventilated and safe for all at all times.
Mary’s Meals haven't been able to visit us for two years. They're coming weekend Feb 12 and 13 to give a short update and information talk at all Masses. A retiring collection will be taken up to support their vital work. No clothing collection this year though.
Also, that weekend after the 10 and 12 Masses our Piety Stall is having a half price sale in the lower hall of selected stock. All profits to Church funds.
Today’s another one of those interesting dates with zeros and twos. At 20:22 this evening, how about us all uniting in saying two hail Marys on this date of 02/02/2022