Our parish of St Andrew in Bearsden is very much focussed on preparations for the reopening of the church, in phase 2 for private prayer, and in phase 3 for public Masses, all of which is subject, of course, in getting the green light from the Scottish Government.
In order to reopen, we will need to build up a bank of volunteers to be in attendance in our church during times when it is open for private prayer and for Masses / liturgies. Volunteers' duties will be to welcome and guide people as to the requirements to sanitise hands, to enter and exit via the designated one-way system and to sit in designated places and to wipe down the pew surfaces after each Mass. PPE (mask and gloves), cleaning materials and orientation/training will be provided.
I know that this might be a disappointment to some, but I do have to let you know that the criteria for volunteering required by the current guidelines mean that anyone who has underlying health conditions which requires shielding or anyone over the age of 70 cannot volunteer for this particular ministry at this time.
Volunteers will be required to complete a Volunteer Safeguarding Application form. More details soon about this and training. If you are eligible to become a volunteer, please do seriously consider it. The reopening of our church will depend very much on us having a sufficient number of volunteers.
Take care
Fr Mackle