Stay In and Stay Safe
I never ever thought that, as a priest, I would find myself saying to folk 'don't come to Mass'.
In these desperately unfortunate circumstances of tier 4, this is exactly what I'm saying to all our parishioners. Stay in, stay at home, don't come along to Mass for the next three weeks, and stay safe, please.
Following this week's Scottish Government's announcement of a further lockdown, the number of people at a Mass in the church is now limited to a maximum of 20.
Our two halls will, however, enable us to seat an additional 40 people at each Vigil and Sunday Mass.
This is going to be hugely challenging, when 120 people were attending our vigil in recent weeks.
In these unwanted circumstances with severely restricted numbers, and for the duration of tier 4 lockdown, I want to remind you that there is no obligation at present to attend Sunday Mass.
Again, I would therefore encourage you, for this weekend and the following two weekends - stay in and stay safe.
The government wants to encourage as many people as possible to stay at home. It is not a necessity to attend Mass.
During these weeks, attend on your device at home our Sunday and weekday 10am live streamed Mass on this link , and make a spiritual communion. There is also daily dial-a-Mass on 0141 473 4869. Please, stay in and stay safe.
While we are in tier 4, for those who aren't able to attend a Mass on line, there will still be public Masses - Saturday Vigil 5pm; Sundays 10am & 12noon.
Go to to register for the booking process.
Mass for up to a maximum of 20 is 10am daily and no need to book.
Again, I would say to all our weekday Mass attendees, please, until 11th December, stay at home and stay safe.
S1 Confirmations
S1's next week's celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation has had to be cancelled again, unfortunately. We're working on finding dates to reschedule the four Masses for some time in the new year.
St Andrew's Feast Day
Hopefully, you'll be free to attend 10am Mass online on Monday 30th November for the parish's feast day of St Andrew.
Advent Youth Evening
Our 10th December youth evening we are having to rethink. We'll let you know soon what the plans are for that.
Advent Appeals
Check out our social media and bulletin for details of two advent appeals. One on 28th November for Children' s winter clothing. Drop off at the church car park 12 noon and 3pm. Plus, 5th December drop off Christmas gifts for the Wayside centre for distribution to homeless in Glasgow as well as other centres. 12 noon and 3pm in the church car park. Do check for all details.
St Nicholas' Feast Day
Also, we'll still be live streaming 11.15am Mass on Friday 4th December to celebrate the feast of St Nicholas. Great that each class will be able to get Mass on their smart board.
Memorial Mass
Plus, no change to the arrangements for this Sunday's 2pm live streamed Memorial Mass.
As a community, it is important for us to remember all those who have gone before us in faith.
Just 38 days to go, folks. Details soon re our plans for Christmas Masses. Nearer Christmas, look out on our YouTube channel for 'Carols by parishioners' helping to bring us some Christmas cheer.
Please, keep your eye on our social media and parish bulletin to keep yourself fully updated.
Stay in during these three weeks and stay safe.
Fr Mackle