Hope all’s well.
I meant to send to you last Sunday these words of Pope Francis at the foot of the page.
You know you are welcome anytime to call into the grounds for a Hail Mary before the statue of Our Lady.
The funeral Mass for John Brannan will be on Friday at 1pm. Just to say there will be no 10am Mass on Friday. Permission has been given for John’s Mass to be live streamed.
John had been in St Andrew’s for the past twenty years, and had been a member of SPRED. May God give him eternal rest and peace in the kingdom of light. Our deepest and most prayerful sympathies to John’s carers.
I’ll be taking a fortnight’s break as from Sunday. There will still be a live streamed liturgy though each morning at 10am, apart from Saturday morning, and grateful to Deacon Tommy and Fr Bradburn for that.
Good seeing the numbers at Mass increasing steadily. Our church on Monday was full to the new normal capacity. I am deeply grateful to all the volunteers for all their good work and for the way in which they are generous with their time ensuring that all the Masses are well covered.
Take care.
Fr Mackle
On the Assumption of Mary into Heaven
"The feast of the Assumption of Mary is a call to each of us, especially those who are
afflicted by doubt and sadness, and live with their gaze turned down, unable to raise their glance.
Let us look up. Heaven is open. It does not inculcate fear. It is no longer distant because on the threshold of Heaven, a mother, our mother, is awaiting us. She loves us, she smiles at us and she
thoughtfully assists us.
Like every mother she wants the best for her children and she says to us: ‘You are precious in God’s eyes; you were not made for the small satisfactions of the world, but rather for the great joy of heaven’.
Yes, because God is joy, not boredom. God is joy. Let us allow Our Lady to take us by the hand.
Each time that we hold the Rosary in our hands and pray to her, we are taking a step forward, towards the great destination of life."
Pope Francis, Feast of the Assumption of Mary