Hope all’s well.
There was one time visiting the primary school when the class were on top form asking really deep and searching questions.
Q. If God made the world and all that is in it, who made God?
I was thinking quietly to myself how could you not have asked me a nice wee simple one like what time’s Mass on Sunday.
Before I could even begin to struggle to answer, another child’s hand was stretched high up into the air saying I know the answer.
A. God is without beginning and without end, the child very confidently said.
That was me rescued.
What a superb answer.
That child will go places.
At the end of Jesus’ life, he said, ‘I still have many more things to say to you, but they will be too much for you now’
Really he was saying to them that, as followers, there would be a time when they would grow in knowledge and understanding of the truth.
Q. When would that be?
A. Pentecost.
The spirit of truth will come and lead you to the complete truth.
Pentecost is a week on Sunday.
We’re inviting mums and dads to help the boys and girls get their thinking caps on to mark Pentecost at home in some way. Posts up on St Nicholas’ Facebook & Twitter.
Plus 9@9. I’ll explain that tomorrow.
Come, Holy Spirit.
It’s the Ascension of the Lord tomorrow
Hope you have a good day
Take care
Fr Mackle