These are just some words that she addresses to God,
'You are a mystery as deep as the sea....the more I search, the more I find, and the more I find, the more I search for you......But I can never be satisfied. What I receive will ever leave me desiring more. When you fill my soul, I have an even greater hunger, and I grow more famished for your light'
As well as being a great mystic, as well as knowing the importance of prayer, she knew the importance too of charitable service, of helping those in need.
She might have spent a lot of time in the chapel, but she also spent time nursing the sick and the dying, and bringing comfort to prisoners by visiting them in jail.
She teaches us the importance of finding fulfilment in times of prayer and in service of others, especially those in need.
Just before the start of this millennium, Pope John Paul II named her Patron of Europe.
St Catherine of Siena, pray for us, pray to Jesus for us that during this global pandemic we may have courage and hope.
A bit overcast today, but still we can't complain with the spell of April sunshine we got.
Hope you have a lovely day
Take care
Fr Mackle