Hope all’s well.
Our sincere thanks to Deacon Tommy for being celebrant at yesterday’s liturgy.
And again, a huge thanks to all our volunteers on Sundays and weekdays for signing folk in, leading them to their designated seats, and ensuring that after all our Masses and liturgies our church is sanitised and safe. All this voluntary work could be required for months, and without our volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to have public Masses.
Along with the regular Foodbank donations which are uplifted from the house porch daily for delivery, were 30 Asda Boxes of essential cupboard items, which were delivered this week. So, again, a huge thanks also to all who contribute to and volunteer to ensure support continues to Drumchapel and St Gregory’s Foodbanks and the Wayside Club.
There’s a wonderful dialogue in the gospel that takes place between Martha and Jesus. It’s St Martha’s feast day today. Martha’s brother has died, and Jesus said that her brother will rise again on the last day. He states that he is the resurrection and the life and asks Martha, ‘Do you believe this?’
‘Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ’ she says.
We are called to imitate Martha’s response. When we come along to Mass, whenever we pray, when we hear the Word of God, when we marvel at nature, we are called to echo Martha’s words and say ‘Yes, Lord, I believe’.
It’s good just to repeat these words every now and again quietly to ourselves.
When out driving, gardening, walking, shopping, working, or whatever or wherever - ‘Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the one who was to come in to this world’ is good to say. Little lines like that, phrases, truths of our faith are good to repeat for our spiritual lives.
St Martha, pray for us. Martha, you served our Lord. Volunteers serve. St Martha, pray for all volunteers.
Remember, the new time for the church being open today is 2pm - 3pm. Don’t forget your face covering.
Hope you have a good day.
Take care, and remember you need to register for the booking process for weekend Masses. No booking required for weekday Masses.
Fr Mackle